
Building Trust: Key Points

Trust MattersLeadership for Successful Schools is an ‘honest guide for educational leaders’ written by William & Mary professor Megan Tschannen-Moran.

The book contains wisdom that can be applied to international schools.

The following are some key points and takeaways about how to become a trustworthy leader:

  • Apply five facets of trust: construct a shared vision, model trustworthy behavior, provide coaching, manage the environment and mediate breakdowns of trust.
  • Leading quietly by being soft on people and hard on problems.
  • Flexibility, not blaming, problem-solving, involving teachers in important decisions.
  • Don’t push to hard and don’t push to little, don’t take too much responsibility and don’t take too little.
  • Trustworthy leadership is at the heart of productive schools

Overall, this book comes highly recommended for school leaders.

‘One of the greatest dilemnas faced by school leaders occurs when they don’t trust the competence and motivation of their teachers.’

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